GET Postback

This page will guide you through the integration of Revlum GET Postback

What is a Postback?

A postback allows you to receive notifications on your server every time your account receives a conversion. This is necessary for you to be able to provide your users with rewards. For example, whenever you receive a conversion, you may wish to be notified what the payout, user ID, and point value are. We are also able to send you a postback in the case that a lead may be reversed.
Example Postback URL:{subId}&transaction={transId}&reward={reward}&payout={payout}&name={offerName}

We will replace all of the macros, such as {subId}, with the actual value (such as "user21".) On your server, you will read the "user" GET variable to retrieve this macro's value.

{subId}Unique user identifier, passed by publisher.revlum1
{transId}Use this to prevent double conversions.REV-351
{offerName}Name of the completed offer.Revlum - Sign up and Earn
{offerId}Id of the completed offer.1354
{event_id}Id of the completed offer event (empty if base event).bhf38ysj18
{event_name}Name of the completed offer event (empty if base event).Reach lvl 1
{reward}User reward in app currency25.0
{reward_name}The name of your in app currency.Coins
{payout}Complete payment in USD, paid to the publisher.0.10
{userIp}The user's IP address who completed the action.
{country}The user's country codeUS
{status}Determines whether to add or subtract the amount of the reward. "1" is when the virtual currency should be added to the user and "2" when it should be subtracted.1 (valid) / 2 (chargeback)
{debug}Check if it’s a test or a live postback call.1 (test) / 0 (live)
{signature}MD5 hash that can be used to verify that the call has been made from our servers.17b4e2a70d6efe9796dd4c5507a9f9ab


{reward} and {payout} parameters are always absolute values, you will need to check status parameter to see if you need to add or subtract that amount from your users.